
We have always been successful by combining innovation and tradition. You can trust us on 40 years of experience in the natural stone business. Since our establishment in the 1970's we have always been open to new developments in the industry.

SONAT is the leading producer of the Solnhofen Fossilstone. The main focus of our business is the production and marketing of our own materials as well as other natural stones imported from all around the world. We can offer an outstanding "quarry rough product range".

We import quarry rough slates and quartzite's from Europe, South America and India as well as Granites from China and Limestones from Turkey and Egypt. We do not only stock flooring tiles, but also slabs in different thicknesses in any of our articles.

The SONAT staff work as a team. The advantage for you is that you will always receive professional advice and superb customer service. The combination of this first class service and our wide product range is indispensable, especially for our wholesale customers. During a typical hectic day of business, our customers appreciate our service. It is vital to a successful supply chain for our clients.

During the last decade SONAT has developed a brand name. We know from our own experience that as far as the material is concerned you have to be as good and even more efficient as your suppliers. Just In Time is SONAT's brand name.

Our quarries

Steinbruch Solnhofener Naturstein Obenansicht Steinbruch Steinbruch Jura Marmor Steinbruch Ansicht Steingewinnung Solnhofener Natursteine Steinbruch Jura Quadersteine Steinbruch Jura Kalkstein

Our factory

We manufacture ideas made of stone

Since beginning of the 1970's we have been producing natural stones in our factories in Wintershof and Mörnsheim/Mühlheim. We supply to customers worldwide.

We are constantly looking for new and interesting materials. Our machinery and all manufacturing processes are adjusted, enhanced and altered specifically according to our product range. Several multi-blade saws, productions lines for brushing and honing slabs, CAD-machinery as well as water jet cutting systems make any order execution possible. Just In Time is a label/trademark of SONAT.

For our manufacturing processes it is a normality to handle every order with responsibility.


Polygonalplatten Solnhofener Naturstein Fabrik und Lager, Maschinen Lagerhalle Paletten Außenlager Natursteinverarbeitung Produktion Formatplatten Lager Außenbereich Lager Polygonalplatten Solnhofer Produktion Formate Solnhofer Naturstein Fabrikhalle und Lager Ansicht Lagerung Lager und Fabrik Produktionshalle Außenlager verschiedene Natursteinmaterialien Produktion und Lagerhalle Lager Außenlager Natursteinbearbeitung Fabrik Steinverarbeitung Schneiden von Formatplatten Produktion Überdachtes Lager Produktionsmaschinen Bearbeitung Naturstein Schneiden von Natursteinen Lagerhalle Lager und Bürogebäude Kommissionierte Ware

As a producer, our special strength is the manufacturing of first class products and our orientation towards our customers needs. We possess our own quarries and a quota of modern machinery with which we mainly manufacture the Fossilstone and the Jura Limestone

We believe that nowadays, success is all about flexibility of manufacturing and supply chain. 

We are able to produce ambitious products within a very short lead time. This gives us an enormous flexibility regarding the production of your individual demand. 

Our experience within SONAT, an extremely knowledgeable work force and a healthy stock size also allows a quick production turnaround for a short lead time supply.


Environment and Climate Pact Bavaria. We are part of it!

Environmental and climate protection concerns us all! By participating in the Bavarian Environmental and Climate Pact "Umwelt- und Klimapakt Bayern", we at SoNat want to be a role model for sustainable action in the company. Therefore, we are pleased about the recognition of our voluntary environmental achievements, which is confirmed by the certificate.

Goals of the Environmental and Climate Pact

By participating in the Bavarian Environmental and Climate Pact, companies undertake to develop and implement corporate environmental protection measures that go beyond the statutory requirements. A prerequisite for participation is additional practiced, operational environmental protection compared to the legal requirements.

Responsibility for nature and the environment

With our recognized participation, we want to raise awareness of environmental and climate protection goals in the company and in the living environment of our employees and customers. Particularly with the operation of our photovoltaic system, we bear responsibility for nature and the environment: through the reduction of CO2 emissions on the one hand and the conservation of resources on the other. In addition, we want to raise awareness among our employees and customers that everyone can do their part to protect the climate and reduce environmental pollution.

Setting an example in environmental protection

We at SoNat want to be a role model. Ultimately, it is not only we at SonNat who benefit from the investment in the efficient photovoltaic system through the significant improvement in energy efficiency. With the PV system, we reduce CO2 emissions and help to conserve resources and reduce environmental pollution.

Sonat beteiligt sich am Umwelt + Klimapakt Bayern